시민사회프로그램에서는 한국연구재단의 지원 아래  한-일 시민사회와 CSR 비교 연구를 진행하고 있다.  2017년 3월 3일 본격적인 연구 수행을 앞두고 향후 연구 방향에 대한 심도 있는 논의를 위해 일본 측 연구진을 한국으로 초청하여 한일 연구진 공동 워크숍을 개최하였다. 본 워크숍은 양국의 CSR 사례 연구 수행을 위한 초석을 다지기 위한 자리로, 6개 핵심 주제(다양성/통합, 빈곤과 복지, 고용, 기업, 소비 그리고 환경)에 대하여 연구진들의 주제별 발표가 이루어졌다. 워크숍 주요 일정 및 발표 주제는 다음과 같다.

[워크숍 일정] : 포스터 참조


[연구진별 발표 주제] 

  • Diversity/Inclusion and Poverty/Welfare
  1. Hong, Jeong-Pyo(Miyazaki International College): The Construction of the East Asian Model for Corporate Social Responsibility: Japan and Korea Compared
  2. Toru Oga (Kyushu University): Japan’s Neighborhood Communities and the Production of Multicultural Spaces: Diversity and Inclusion in the Ichō Housing Complex in Kanagawa
  3. Sung-Gyu Kim(Seoul National University Asia Center): CSR and Social Enterprise in Korea: Inter-communication between government, enterprise and civil society for activation of social enterprises
  4. Norihiro NIHEI(The University of Tokyo): Do Subsidies from Companies Influence Civil Society Organizations?: Analyzing the Survey Data on Support Groups for the Great East Japan Earthquake
  • Business and Environment
  1. Young-Choon Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology): Hybrid Organizing in the Business-Society Interface: A Case of Social Venture Community in Seoul, Korea
  2. Suk-Ki Kong(Seoul National University Asia Center): Scoping out Gasiri Community Where Environment and Justice are Converged: A Just Sustainable Community Development
  3. Yuki OOI (Nanzan University) Catholic Church as a Location Where the Environments Meet Poverty: Environmental Justice in Japan


  • Employment and Consumer issues
  1. Taekyoon Kim(Seoul National University): NGO Accountability in Consumer Justice Movement: The Case of CCEJ’s Action Center for Consumer Justice in South Korea
  2. Kyoko Tominaga (Ritsumeikan University): Consumer Movement in Fluidarity and Individuality: Rethinking Practices of Consumer Movement as Sharing Experiences