시민사회프로그램에서는 한국연구재단의 지원 아래  한-일 시민사회와 CSR 비교 연구를 지난 2017년부터 진행하고 있다.

2018년 3월 30일(금),  시민사회프로그램은 서울대학교 아시아연구소 406호에서 한-일 CSR 연구협력사업 제3차 연구진 워크숍을 개최하였다. 워크숍에서는 한-일 9명의 연구진이 주제와 관련한 각자의 최근 연구결과를 공유하고 의견을 교환하는 시간을 가졌다.

워크숍의 주요 일정과 발표 주제는 다음과 같다.


[워크숍 일정 (포스터)]

[워크숍 발표주제]

Session 1: Diversity, welfare, and consumer

1.Toru Oga (Kyushu University) : ​Too Many Players and Not Enough Collaboration: Problems and Difficulties of Making Multicultural Community Buildings in the Ichō Housing Complex​

2. Jeong-Pyo Hong (Miyazki International College) : Leadership, Shared Value, and Corporate Social Responsibility in POSCO

3. ​​Kyoko Tominaga (Ritsumeikan University) : Investment or Consumption? Community-Based Consumer Movements in Japan

4. Jinhee Kim (Korean Education Development Institute) : Korean Corporations’ Multicultural Education Programs and ambiguity of diversity


Session 2: Business, employment, and environment

5. Young-Choon Kim (UNIST) : Reconstructing Social Innovation: Boundary Processes of Institutional Entrepreneurship

6. Akira Yonezawa (Meijigakuin University) : Social Enterprises for People with Disabilities in Japan and Institutional Pluralism

7. Suk-Ki Kong (SNUAC) : Value Conflicts and Local Residents Straddling Over Renewable Energy Projects


Graduate Session

​8. Reo Mawatari​ (University of Tokyo)​ : Cooperation and Confrontation between an Association of Residents and Prefectural Administration in Negotiating Disposal of Illegally Dumped Industrial Waste in Teshima

9. Taeyeon Kim (SNU) : Challenges in Designing Community-Based Curriculum for Environmental University Education in Korea: A Systemic Literature Review


[워크샵 사진]